EL PRESENTE (no existe)

Tres generaciones de mujeres conviven al interior de un pequeño departamento de Santiago: la abuela, la madre, las hijas. La realizadora explora el presente y la capacidad de atraparlo con su cámara, mientras 21 años de cartas de su padre desde Brasil dialogan con su cotidiano, revelando la fugacidad del tiempo que no volverá.

Ficha Técnica
Título: EL PRESENTE (no existe)
Duración: 64 minutos.
Género: Documental.
Escrita y dirigida: Klaudia Kemper
Producción: Mucho Gusto Producciones.
Con: Gabriela Soto + Zoé Serrano + Lua Serrano + Jochen Kemper + Sushi + Klaudia Kemper
Cámara: Klaudia Kemper, Zoe Serrano, Lua Serrano
Cámara Adicional: Mario Lagos, Andrea Peña
Montaje: Klaudia Kemper 
Formato de grabación: 1080p24/Appel ProRes 422(HQ) 
Formato de exhibición: HD
Año: 2016

Klaudia Kemper is an artist renowned for its strong artistic production and the weight of it. In her long career she has always worked with the image integrated pictorial proposed expanding the materiality of the image from the fabric to paper, to screen and pigment to light and photography movement, making facilities multilevel and records.

This time, with The present (does not exist), in its ongoing quest expressive always working from her own body, she needed the time dimension so as to allow experimentation of persistence in the same space. In this bold and risky film, and from my point of view very successful, Klaudia manages to reveal a world and a pain to work only with the resources of the language of cinema, especially over time (after the small space delimited her apartment) rhythm and repetition. On this basis are the beauty and personality of the images, frames, and a band of mysterious sound and at the same time documentary.

The present (does not exist) contains what a good documentary film is: a bet unsecured result where the process of performing naked contention of the author who chooses the risk rather than certainty.

Ignacio Aguero

Notas de prensa:
